
One of the many reasons for the industry’s best performance would be on the best side the company’s maintenance policy.
The high maintenance costs, increasing down time, non-availability of spare parts on time are the causes of concern that lead to the productivity loss. Successful companies, whose equipment down time is minimal attribute the reason to the planned and scheduled maintenance, controlled spending on equipment, tracking of maintenance activities and optimization of spare parts and inventories.
Based out of the strong experience in the industries’ maintenance management and understanding the pain areas, the MP is designed to exactly match the requirement of maintenance departments.

Create your equipment catalog and document in the MP all the information related to each of them, such as images, locations, drawings, attached files, specifications, notes, guarantees, supplier data, etc. The MP offers great versatility since it allows the user to set his own customized fields to capture the equipment catalog.
Structure in the MP the location tree which will allow you to document the location of every equipment. Thanks to the tree structure of the locations catalog, you can establish filters to locate the equipment in any level of the tree.

Document your routine maintenance plans for equipment and locations in the MP and indicate the routine activities that must be performed and their frequency. The MP allows establishing maintenance plans based on time or on a reading, such as kilometers, hours used, etc. You can even set combined plans with dates and readings, whatever occurs first.
The MP analyzes the scheduled job dates and reports the jobs that must be carried out during the period. Select the jobs and automatically create the work orders from the MP. The MP assigns a consecutive folio number to each work order created by the user. The same work order may include one or several routine or non routine maintenance jobs. You can also include one or several equipment or locations in the same work order.
Report maintenance requests over the Internet. Maintenance requests over the Internet go directly to maintenance personnel. Each time a person reports a maintenance request over the Internet, a window opens in the maintenance managers’ screen and indicates the jobs reported or requested by personnel. On the other hand, the persons who make a request can consult the status of their request over the Internet, i.e., if it was read, the date scheduled to perform the job, if the job has already been performed, etc.
In the maintenance calendars, the MP marks the dates when the different maintenance jobs must be performed and the MP keeps those calendars up to date. Due to the several activities that must normally be controlled and due to the fact that calendars must be continuously updated, you can have all the information updated with only one computer based system such as the MP
The MP has tools to help you distribute the work orders among the maintenance personnel according to the area of expertise and estimated duration of each order.
Once the jobs are performed, the user must report the jobs performed in the MP. When the user reports in the MP any routine maintenance job performed, the MP automatically creates the following date to carry out that job again. As the jobs are marked as performed, a graphic control shows the progress of each WO.
There are maintenance jobs which imply taking a measurement, such as temperature, vibration, wear and tear, etc. Document the value of the measurements from your equipment in the MP. The MP shows those values in a graph and provides alerts for all equipment with a measurement near or close to the limits.
The Professional and Entrepreneurial MP include a very complete inventory program called Spare Parts Inventory, which allows efficiently controlling materials and spare parts stock, input and output movements, Kardex, valuing the inventory with different methods, estimating the supply, suppliers and purchases, etc. Another feature is the option to manage multi-warehouses and equivalent brands for the same product and bar code. Although the inventory is a program independent from the MP, the user can connect from the MP to the Inventory database to consult stock, automatically create output vouchers for the materials and determine the spare parts and consumables necessary to perform the different activities.
In the MP, the user captures the Labor Catalog where the names, areas of expertise, hourly costs and extraordinary costs of the personnel involved in the maintenance tasks are registered. The information of this catalog will allow designating persons in charge of the work orders as well as registering the time spent working on each work order.
The MP has an equipment and services suppliers catalog. The equipment registered in the MP can be related to its respective supplier. The user can consult the supplier’s information online, such as contacts, telephones, etc.. He can also create a catalog with the services offered by each supplier and document the services consumed in the MP.
The Professional and Entrepreneurial MP include a program called Tools Control. This program allows controlling the receipts and returns of all tools issued to workers. The program allows consulting online who has or where each tool is. Before performing a maintenance job, the user can consult the availability or the warehouse stock of the tools to be used to perform the jobs assigned from the MP.
The association of resources with activities consists in establishing the material resources (spare parts and consumables), labor, external services and tools necessary to perform each routine maintenance activity.
Based on the resources necessary to carry out each activity and the dates scheduled to perform them, the MP estimates the quantities of each resource to be used in the following days or months and the scheduled costs.
Based on the resources necessary to carry out each activity and the dates scheduled to perform them, the MP estimates the quantities of each resource to be used in the following days or months and the scheduled costs.
Automatically create warehouse vouchers in the MP and download them when creating your output movement from the spare parts inventory.
The MP allows documenting the consumption of spare parts, labor services and external services used in the performance of the maintenance jobs. This allows us to query the resources used on each equipment and to analyze maintenance costs.
The Spare Parts Inventory consults the MP to calculate the just in time supply of spare parts and consumables which must be acquired to comply with the maintenance programs. The calculation is based on the stock and the scheduled resources.
The MP keeps all the history information related to the jobs performed and the resources used in an organized, updated and available manner for review.
Graph in which the number of scheduled activities is compared with the number of performed activities on a monthly basis.
Identify the equipment with the most failures, the most frequent types of failures and their root causes.
The history of the maintenance jobs performed for each equipment is presented in a graph for a certain time period, indicating the protected and unprotected periods. This graph is an indicator to assess the equipment vulnerability and shows how close the performance of the maintenance jobs has been to the scheduled jobs. It also allows relating failures with maintenance plans, helping to make the necessary adjustments in maintenance plans to avoid repeating a specific failure
Create many different queries, graphs and reports related to maintenance management such as costs graphs, stoppages graphs, etc.
The MP calculates three maintenances indexes (Average Time between Failures, Average Time for Repair and Availability).
The MP allows documenting the guarantees of the equipment, whether it is the equipment guarantee, a spare part guarantee or even a service guarantee. You can query all the guarantees in effect for an equipment in this module.
A library is a file with several prefabricated maintenance plans from different typical equipment. The MP includes libraries with a wide variety of prefabricated maintenance plans which will make the MP implementation easier.
For the security of your maintenance system, the MP allows adding the users who will have access to the MP. The registered users can access the program with an access code and may have total or limited authorization to access different modules and execute specific functions.

The versatility of the MP allows implementing it in any place where there are equipment, machines and facilities subject to maintenance, irrespective of the size of the company.
- Fleets
- Hotels
- Service Companies
- Hospitals
- Construction Companies
- Process Industries

- Reduce unexpected shut downs and emergencies
- Extended equipment’s useful life
- Reduction of corrective maintenance costs
- Scheduled and timely procurement of spare parts elimination of stock outs.
- Increase in reliability and uniformity in production
- Organize, standardize and documentation of company’s maintenance management
- Avoid accidents
- Compatible with any work station
- Improve job request control
- Centralized maintenance data storage
- Quick access to historical data
- Measure Maintenance performance
The MP is sold in 3 different versions. See the comparative table below to find out about the scopes and differences between the basic, professional and entreprise MP versions.
FEATURES | Basic MP | Professional MP | Enterprise MP |
Free Trail | content | content | content |
Equipment Catalog | content | content | content |
Locations Catalog | content | content | content |
Plans Catalog | content | content | content |
Routine Maintenance Jobs Schedule | content | content | content |
Control of Non Routine Maintenance Jobs | content | content | content |
Damages Query | content | content | content |
History of Maintenance Jobs Performed | content | content | content |
Control by Date and/or Readings | content | content | content |
Work Order Generator | content | content | content |
History of Closed WOs | content | content | content |
Equipment Open WOs Query | content | content | content |
Automatic Calendars Generator | content | content | content |
Failure and Root Cause Analysis | content | content | content |
Scheduled vs. Performed Jobs Graph | content | content | content |
Failures and Stoppages Graph | content | content | content |
Microsoft Access Databases | content | content | content |
Network Version. Two or more workstations | content | content | content |
Spare Parts Inventory Module | content | content | |
Tools Control Module | content | content | |
Labor Catalog | content | content | |
Suppliers and Services Catalog | content | content | |
Definition of Customized Fields for Equipment | content | content | |
Images Association | content | content | |
Attachment files | content | content | |
Predictive Maintenance Measurements Registry | content | content | |
Out-of-limit Measurements Alert | content | content | |
Measurements History Graph | content | content | |
Resources and Maintenance Activities Association | content | content | |
Query of Associated Resources | content | content | |
Resource Flow | content | content | |
Voucher Generator | content | content | |
Supplies Registry | content | content | |
Vouchers Query | content | content | |
Consumption Query | content | content | |
Module to Report Maintenance Requests over the Intranet/Internet | content | ||
Distribution of WOs Graph (based on the workload assigned to each worker) | content | ||
Scheduled Stoppages Calendar Generator | content | ||
Maintenance Indexes | content | ||
Follow-up and Control of Guarantees | content | ||
Information Export | content | ||
Microsoft SQL Server 2000/2005 Databases | content | ||
Oracle 9i/10g Databases | content |